Straight splint in orthopedicsStraight splint in orthopedics

Splints are orthopedic devices used to immobilize and support injured or weakened body parts, allowing them to heal properly. They are commonly prescribed by healthcare professionals to promote healing, reduce pain, and provide stability. Splints come in various types, each designed to address specific conditions and provide the necessary support. In this article, we will explore the different types of splints, their uses, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Splints are an essential tool in orthopedic care and rehabilitation. They provide support, protect injured areas, and assist in the recovery process. Understanding the different types of splints and their applications can help individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare and recovery.

1. Definition of Splints

A splint is a rigid or semi-rigid device used to immobilize and protect injured or weakened body parts. It is typically made from materials such as metal, plastic, or fabric. Splints are designed to restrict movement in order to prevent further damage and promote healing.

2. Purpose and Benefits of Splints

Splints serve several purposes in the field of medicine and rehabilitation. They help stabilize fractures, prevent deformities, reduce pain and inflammation, promote healing, and provide support during the recovery process. By immobilizing the affected area, splints allow damaged tissues to heal properly, reducing the risk of complications and facilitating a quicker recovery.

Items Required for Splinting an Injury:

The below items are mandatory during splinting an injury.

  1. A heavy stick,
  2. A rolled-up newspaper,
  3. A rolled-up towel,
  4. A board or plank.

What Types of Splints in Orthopedics?

The splint is classified into four which are discussed in the following:

1. Straight Splints:

It is a well-padded wooden splint. It is mainly used to immobilize the limbs during intravenous infusion. These splints must be well-padded before use.

Straight splint in orthopedics
Straight splint in orthopedics

2. Plaster of Paris:

The splints made of Plaster of Paris are less expensive but heavy and can be easily broken and difficult to keep clean. The splints are made up of plaster bandages, usually 6-8 thicknesses of the required length. Plaster of Paris is then drawn through the water and is applied to the area. Here, the layers are rubbed together with the open hand. Roller bandages are used here to keep the slab in position.

Plaster of Paris splint in orthopedics
Plaster of Paris splint in orthopedics

3. Cervical Collars:

It is used to give support to the neck. The main uses of cervical collars are-

  • To immobilize the neck in the suspected cervical fracture,
  • To relieve muscle spasms in the neck,
  • To support the head in degenerative disease of the cervical spine and after surgery.
Cervical collars splints in Orthopedics
Cervical collars splints in Orthopedics

4. Thomas Splint:
It is used to give traction in suspected or diagnosed fracture cases of the shaft of the femur to immobilize the part.

Thomas splint in orthopedics
Thomas splint in orthopedics

It consists of two long rods of metal. The rods are joined proximally by the leather-covered half of the full ring. The ring fits into the groin and distally by a crossbar on which the cord or bandage can be secured. The ring can be turned right or left so that it will fit on either the left or right leg. The heel project over the edge of the lowest strip and a pad is placed under the knee to relax. With the help of bandages, the leg is secured to the frame.

Traction is maintained by the use of an ankle hitch, skin traction, or skeletal traction. The splint must be elevated to prevent the resting of the heel on the bed.

More questions related to this article:

  1. What is a splint in the human body?
  2. How do you use a splint?
  3. What are the types of splints?
  4. What are the different types of splints in orthopedics?
  5. Mention various types of splints with pictures.
  6. Describe the classification of splints with pictures.
  7. What are the key purposes of splinting in the human body?
  8. Mention some key objects of splinting in the human body.
  9. What types of items are required for splinting?
  10. List some necessary items required for splinting.

By Senaids

Medical Tips is an online library for health professionals. It includes fundamental, pediatric, community, geriatric, adult, orthopedic, midwifery courses.